Phone Outage (AU - Optus)
One of our carriers (Optus) in Australia is experiencing an outage on inbound domestic calls.
On average, we have witnessed one in five callers experiencing a busy tone. The callee (you) sees the incoming call normally, but the callee hears static rather than the callers voice, and the caller can only hear a busy tone.
Calls originating from International Caller IDs towards Australia are not impacted.
What services are affected?
- Inbound Calls
What regions are affected?
- Australia
What carriers are affected?
- Optus
What is the impact?
- Inbound calls on Australian domestic routes via Optus are impacted.
- [3:25am UTC] Optus is investigating this issue and we will update this post with further updates.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team.